

Leo Maher is a British artist based in the Netherlands. For the exhibition, he created a piece inspired by The Ice Fish, which adapted for survival in the harshest of earth’s climates and would die if it were to stray into warmer water. The piece attempts to allegorize toxic heteropatriarchal ideals of masculinity; where men can adapt and develop a new code to discover their identity away from the bygone norms of breadwinners and impossible strength.

‘Warmer Waters’ attempts to allegorize toxic heteropatriarchal ideals of masculinity; the need for change and adaptation where men can develop a new code to discover their identity away from the bygone norms of breadwinners and impossible strength.

Warm Waters (lamp) 2022
Ceramic, glaze, PLA 3D prints, nickel-plated 3D prints, resin, steel, glass
